
2 2020

Can Robots Be Jewish? with editor Amy Schwartz

7:30PM - 8:30PM  


Contact Sierra Lautman

Virtual Event via Zoom. Presented by the Konikoff Center for Learning at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, as a part of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival.

When Moment Magazine arrives every other month, loyal readers turn to its running “Ask the Rabbis” feature.  In this column rabbis of different denominations consider some of the most provocative questions of the day.  Their responses span the range of modern Jewish thought.  Sometimes they agree but not often. In these Solomon-like deliberations, the rabbis answer some of modernity’s pressing questions:  Does Jewish anxiety have a theological basis?  Do science and Judaism conflict? Is Judaism good for women? Does Jewish law forbid racism? Do Jews believe in an afterlife?  Can Robots Be Jewish brings together the favorites from the magazine and includes an introduction exploring the Jewish tradition of asking questions.


Amy E. Schwartz, editor of Can Robot's Be Jewish, a longtime editorial writer and op-ed columnist at The Washington Post, is Moment Magazine’s Books and Opinions Editor, as well as editor of the magazine’s popular Ask the Rabbis section. Schwartz, who has also worked at Harper's, The New Republic and The Wilson Quarterly, is president of the multi-denominational Jewish Study Center in Washington, DC. She speaks and runs workshops on topics of Jewish commentary, psalms and literature nationwide.



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