Discover, during this six-week course, the Jewish responses and rituals that take us through mourning and arrive at a place of healing. When death inevitably enters our lives, Jewish wisdom and ritual can help us cope with heartbreak and loss, the anguish of why suffering exists. We will also seek to understand the big questions of what Judaism says about life after death and its understanding of messianic times. With a wider lens, we gain a context with which to better understand our moments of anguish as individuals and as a community.
No Class Feb 15
This 6-week course is being offered ONLINE by Ohef Sholom Temple, in partnership with United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.
Taught by Barb Gelb, longtime Jewish educator who currently works for Prizmah, a network for Jewish day schools and yeshivas across North America.
Use code TW60 to receive $60 off.
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Sponsor: Konikoff Center for Learning