Take a literary journey into the Jewish communities of Europe during the Holocaust — sobering, profound accounts of extraordinary courage in the face of an unprecedented struggle for survival.
For 10 sessions, learners will have the chance to examine first-person narratives found in diaries and memoirs, gaining remarkable insight into this devastating period of modern Jewish history. Both young and old writers — authors, poets and journalists, some who survived and many who did not — describe the growing Nazi threat, coping in the ghettos, and imprisonment in death camps. Their unforgettable stories help us understand the real events of the Shoah and its legacy for us today.
This 10-week online course is offered by the Melton Tidewater School at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. For more information contact Sierra Lautman, Director of Jewish Innovation, at SLautman@UJFT.org or 757-965-6107
Early Bird Discount available through September 30.