Virtual event via Zoom Webinar presented by Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, and Community Partners’ 10th Annual Israel Today Series!
An Intergenerational Conversation with Israel Story co-founders Mishy Harman, Yochai Maital, and Yochai’s Father, Professor Shlomo Maital
Professor Shlomo Maital is the Academic Director of TIM-Technion Institute of Management, Israel's leading executive leadership development institute, and a pioneer in action-learning methods. He was a Visiting Professor for 20 years at MIT Sloan School of Management's Management of Technology M.Sc. program, teaching over 1,000 R&D engineers from 40 countries. He is the author co-author or editor of 8 books, including Innovation Management (Sage, 2007); Executive Economics (The Free Press), translated into seven languages and Managing New Product Development & Innovation.
Free! For more information and to register for the event, click here.