Join us for a hands-on papercutting workshop with Isaac & Rabbi Shawna Brynjegard-Bialik where you'll have the opportunity to study text and create your own visual midrash.
In this workshop, we will study some midrash (stories about what we read in the Torah) and how each of us brings something different to the story. Known for their hands-on papercutting workshops for adults, Isaac and Rabbi Shawna will guide you in creating your own personal commentary on the Torah portion for the week.
No experience or "artistic ability" is required, all materials are provided. Dinner included.
All adults (and teens over 16) are welcome.
FREE and open to the community. Registration required
Reserve Your Space
Presented by the Milton "Mickey" Kramer Scholar-in-Residence Fund of the Congregation Beth El Foundation's Tidewater Together Series. In partnership with the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater & the Simon Family JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival.