
3 2021

Why Jews Do That: Or 30 Questions Your Rabbi Never Answered

7:30PM - 8:30PM  


Contact Sierra Lautman

Presented by the Konikoff Center for Learning at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, as a part of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival.


Most of us turn to Google with quick questions, but for answers to deeper or more nuanced questions about Judaism – from the boundaries of what’s kosher to whether Jews have their own version of confession – even the best of search engines can fall short. Why Jews Do That or 30 Ques­tions Your Rab­bi Nev­er Answered is your one-stop-shop for answers to all the ques­tions you had about Judaism, but were too shy or afraid to ask. 


Rabbi Avram Mlotek is a Base co-founder and the Rabbi of Base MNHTN. He also serves as Director of Spiritual Life for the Base program at large. In May 2015, Avram was listed as one of America's “Most Inspiring Rabbis” by The Jewish Daily Forward. In 2012, The New York Jewish Week selected him as a “leading innovator in Jewish life today,” as part of their “36 Under 36” section.



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