The Holocaust Commission looks forward to providing a meaningful live-streamed commemorative YOM HASHOAH event at 6:45 on the evening of April 8, 2021, featuring guest speaker, survivor Marion Weinzweig of Arizona. VIEW ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE.
We will again provide MEMORIAL CANDLES for those locally who wish to light them, as we did last year with the help of the Beth El Men’s Club. Yahrzeit candles can be picked up at the entrance to the Simon Family JCC through Thursday, April 8.
The work of the Holocaust Commission, which sponsors Yom Hashoah each year, is needed now more than ever. In 2020 we pivoted our programs to be as virtual as possible, and still provide resources to teach the lessons of history’s lowest period to students, the military, and to the community at large.
We invite you to become a WHITE ROSE or RED ROSE donor, by clicking on the White and Red Rose link and making a secure donation.
Thank you for your continued support during this difficult time, and click here for some other meaningful events occurring virtually to commemorate Yom Hashoah.